

Tracing the Origin of Learning Thought, Seeking Truth, Advancing and Promoting Practice

2023-11-01 09:40:39 jcadmin 3

On October 30th, more than 30 members of the Party branches of various agencies of the Lishui Bureau of Statistics and the Party branch of Qingtian County Bureau of Statistics, led by Li Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Lishui Bureau of Statistics, jointly carried out the theme Party Day activity of "Tracing the Origin, Learning Thought, Seeking Truth, Advancing Practice" at the Party and Mass Service Center in Ante Park.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Party members and cadres from the city and county statistical bureaus visited the Ante Park Party and Mass Service Center, and exchanged ideas on the Party building work content of the Ante Party and Mass Service Center, carried out themed learning and education, emphasized serving the masses, carried out various learning volunteer activities, and promoted enterprise development.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

During the event, Li Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Lishui Bureau of Statistics, emphasized the need to seize the opportunity of theme education, combine it with the actual situation of the statistics department, promote the deepening and implementation of theme education, and test the effectiveness of theme education with practical results.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Ante Instrument Group Co., Ltd.

Under the leadership of the superior party committee, the Ante Park Party Branch has implemented the five major actions of "Five G Party Mass, Six Star Joint Creation", promoted the integration of party building leadership, innovated the co construction mode of party organizations between enterprises in the park and among village enterprises, and achieved a good atmosphere of harmonious and prosperous cooperation among village enterprises. The Ante Park Party Branch has successively been awarded the honor of "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Lishui Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Qingtian County Committee of the Communist Party of China.

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